Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I guess I blame the sun. It was the way the light came through the blinds and hit the couch that enticed me to grab my book off the coffee table and read a quick chapter or two before heading off to work. It was the ideal cocoon of warm sun light on my skin and it illuminated the paper pages perfectly. The sun was no longer blazing through that window when I woke up four hours later, it does of course, unlike me, move through out the day. Be miffed I had slept that long, asking myself who the hell can sleep for a collective 14 hours a day,  I try to rationalize I must have needed it, but I don't know why anyone would need that amount of rest so often. They say you can over sleep and that can make you even more tired. I should have left the house today, if it wasn't for the damn sun making my couch and book combo look so appealing I would have done something today. Thanks a lot sun.

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